
14 February 2011

Posts to Come Tomorrow

Over the weekend, I made Oxtail Soup, Pouched Salmon, made Broccoli soup with my father, my husband made Chili (Which surprsingly was delicious!).  However, I didn't realize I was out of space with my Picasa account, so I purchased more.  Posts will have to wait until tomorrow so that I can give you step by step directions, as it takes up to 24 hours for the new space to be available.  Na razie!


  1. I love Oxtail soup!! it has always been my favorite soup.

  2. That sounds interesting. Will be checking back!!

  3. I love the Blog, really nice and had to laugh, yes it happens so fast that one runs out of space with the photos! Keep on writing, love to see the oxtail soup recipe, one of my favorites!


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