
05 May 2011

Nice to Meet You

I think it's about time a face was put to my writing....

I am 2 years old sitting on the stairs of the hotel we had been living in for a few months at this point. 

I am currently a refugee fleeing Communism.  Leaving behind friends and family to go into the wide world with my parents only. 

I am living in Austria in a small village.  We are waiting on possibly moving to either Australia or the USA.  Waiting to hear whether all the legal paperwork is approved.  And praying.

This smile is always on my face to this day...

Related Posts:

Wordless Wednesday:  A Toy Train

Writing Me:  Where I'm From


  1. What a beautiful photo, and an awesome reminder to an amazing journey.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. you look beautiful. this pictures is really awesome. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.

  3. Lovely photo - nice to meet you!

  4. What an adorable child you were! Such a cutie patootie with a happy face. Glad you kept the smile as you grew up. ;)

  5. Wyglądasz ślicznie:) A komunizm był ciężkim okresem, nawet jak się wówczas było dzieckiem...Pozdrawiam!

  6. :D I remember such photos too, hugging my big teddy bear who always accompanied me so kindly :)


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