
15 June 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Wierzba

Taken with my phone yesterday on a stroll with my children around a lake surrounded with very old willow trees...

On the way there and back home, we listened to some Chopin, because I thought ahead.  And we talked about a krasnoludek hole we saw, some of the places in Poland where we had seen Wierzbi, how the walk around the lake reminded us of Wroclaw in some places, that the bark could be used for fevers, about Rusalki, and going to the Chicago Botanical Garden...

Wierzba is pronounced with the "rz" sound as a "z" pronounced with tongue in same position as if you were rolling your "r".


  1. My Ciocia told the most amazing stories about krasnoludki and Baba Jaga as we snuggled under her pierzyna.

  2. "Wierzba is pronounced with the "rz" sound as a "z" pronounced with tongue in same position as if you were rolling your "r"."

    This is exactly why I will never be able to speak Polish.

  3. I love willow trees they are so beautiful!

    Following from the wordless wednesday link up. Hope you'll stop by my blog when you have a chance :)

  4. I'm afraid I agree with Bill - even with your description, I can't figure out how to pronounce that word :) Happy Wordless Wednesday, nice to meet you!

  5. Such a cute little hand holding the leaf. Did you just travel to Poland??? Did you visit some realtives?

    Happy WW!


  6. Oh I remember the Chicago Botanical Gardens! That was one of my few places where I felt peace in busy America and where nature was just a bit like home :-) - you could actually WALK there ;-).

    Greetings from Germany all over the ocean!

  7. I love to play Chopin to my kids - such beautiful music - I even had Nocturnes on during my second labour :)

  8. Actually we call it "Wierzba płacząca"... don't know why... I do not see those trees here in CA. Too bad because in Poland they are everywhere and they are so unique and beautiful... especially when they grow very long branches touching to the ground...

  9. I love weeping willows. One of my favrite trees. waht would the world be with out trees.


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