
02 November 2011

Wordless Wednesday: At a Cemetery for All Saints' Day

We found 3 graves which had their names and dates worn off over time and lit candles and said a prayer to whoever was buried there.

There was something very sweet about kneeling around a grave with my children and having them cross, or in my toddler's case trying to cross, themselves and saying Amen at the end of my prayer.  Not "Ay-men" but "Ah-men".

There was something extremely comforting about driving away and seeing our candles flickering in the graveyard.  The only ones lit right before sunset.

I wonder what language this grave stone is written in and what it says...

We found another grave that was part of a Polish family's group.  The young man had died during WWII and was a member of the US Armed Forces.  We lit a candle for him and said thank you for serving this country and that perhaps this old Polish tradition might bring him and his family comfort.

Out of respect for the family, I didn't take pictures to share.

Na razie...

Traditional Polish lanterns for use on All Saints' Day can be purchased at dom itp

Disclaimer:  An affiliate sale link is used in this post for those looking to purchase lanterns as is traditionally used on this holiday.


  1. I have been Catholic all of my life, but never "experienced" All Saint's Day until two years ago when we lived in Gdansk. We adopted a grave that had no candles on it, put our candle there and prayed for him. Last night, at our dinner table during grace, we again remembered and prayed for Jerzy Simianow. May he rest in peace. Too bad American Catholics do not journey to the cemeteries. But I do love, love, love listening to the Litany of Saints at Mass on All Saint's Day.

  2. Oh wow. How powerful this is. I never thought of going to do something like this, but I will remember for next year. What a marvelous spirit you have!


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