
31 January 2012

Polish Embassy's Contest, Babywearing Links and Other Fun Links

I thought today I would share a few fun links I've found online.

The first is The Embassy of Poland in DC's first ever Social Media contest.

Go to Do You Know Polska?, check out some of the polish slang words featured there, come up with a sentence using one (it can be written in English with just the word in Polish or, if you want to, write the entire sentence in Polish), and either email to: or tweet to @PolishEmbassyUS.  Easy!

The prize is a newly published book about Maria Sklodowska-Curie.

Today is the last day to enter!  Also, this is their first social media contest ever, so let's show support by spreading the word.

I also found a forum online in Polish about Baby wearing, called Chusty.  In Poland, baby wearing gear is called a NosideÅ‚ka or a Chusta, depending on whether it is a carrier or a fabric carrier (scarf).

Another site in Polish (use Google Translate button or try reading what you can, practice your Polish reading skills!) with older photos of babywearing in Poland from

I found a website called World Memory Project and wanted to share it.  Some of you are sharing or looking for your family history and I thought this would be a good tool. 

And just to lighten things up a bit, I thought I would share a couple of videos. 

The first is a song my kids sing constantly.  A Ja Wole Moja Mame.  This video has the words and is sung by Edyta Gorniak instead of the original Majka Jeżowska.

The second was playing in Poland on our honeymoon.  My husband hates pop music but it got stuck in his head and we went searching for the video.  Warning:  It's not exactly Sesame Street.

Na razie...

I am not being compensated in any way for sharing any of these links.  I just wanted to.


  1. I enjoyed the " do you know Polska " contest a lot ! I was born and raise in Poland, but 20 years later I do enjoy some updates on the polish slang!.
    The prize in this contest - book about Maria Curie Sklodowska, is a highly racommanded reading for any age girls( and boys). What a powerful women she was! ( a few months ago a "Smithsonian" magazine had also a very powerfull article about Her .
    Thanks for spreading a "good word" about a polish people :)

  2. Link to Mme.Curie


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