
13 June 2012

Wordless Wednesday: In the Garden, Radishes

First Harvest in our garden was...

(pronounced Zhohd-keyehv-key)

Radishes are planted in our garden for their flavor in several summer dishes, as well as companion plants.

Plant radishes to deter cucumber beetles, cabbage worms, squash borers, squash bugs, slugs, flies and other pests.  With this in mind, radishes should be planted with cucumber, cabbage, beets, squash, melons, beans, peas and spinach.  Some suggest carrots as well, while others do not recommend this pairing.

Use radishes in the following recipes:

Farmer's Cheese Spread or Pasta Twarogowa



There are many other recipes you can use radishes in, or you can enjoy them simply by slicing them thin and layering on good bread with butter and a pinch of salt like all the Slavs love to enjoy.

Polish Mama Nutrition:

Radishes are high in of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate and Potassium.

Radishes are a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper and and Manganese, as well as several trace minerals.

They are low in cholesterol, calories and fat, so are perfect for diets.

Read More about radish nutrition facts.


My seeds come from Dom itp.  This post is not sponsored by them but if you choose to follow the link or button to their site and purchase anything from them, I would receive commission and thank you.



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  1. Would you plant the radishes all together, or sort of plant them all over, in among other veggies, to keep the bugs and beetles away?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good question, Olivia. You can plant them mixed in with other plants, or as we do, in groups between plants.

    In one bed, we have 3 different types of plants in each row to make up for limited space-one plant that vines up, another that bushes out from the ground a bit, and another that grows mostly underground.

    In another bed, we have groups of different vegetables mixed in like a patchwork quilt, so that as we harvest, we can replace in that patch something else to grow, thereby extending our season.

    Another bed is planted and will be allowed to reseed itself so that next year and from then on, whatever survives best through our climate, so minimal work in that bed.

    Hope this helps!

  4. they look great! I love radish, especially on my sandwiches :)

  5. Thank you, Ewa (MomPhotographer). I love them on my kanapki as well. So do the kids.


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