
31 July 2012

Polish Olympic Dresses

Last week, we saw the beautiful dresses and other uniforms of the Polish team during the opening ceremony.  Several women, myself included, have been gushing over how beautiful the dresses were.

I asked the Polish Embassy on Twitter.  By the way, do you follow them?  You should. 

Here's what they found out.  Apparently, quite a few others have been inquiring about the dresses.

The article on RFM24 is in Polish.  You can use Google Translate to get the gist of the information.  The dress is designed by Poland's Ranita Sobańska.

I decided to check on the 4F website, since that is the company who made the uniforms.  They have the dress!

Polish Olympic Poppy Dress - 2012

The price is 249PLN, which converts to roughly $75USD.  However, it looks like according to their website, they don't offer shipping to the USA at this time.  I will find out and let you know.
After all, I also want one for myself.

Na razie...

Disclaimer:  No compensation in any way has been received for this post.  I was not asked to promote anything in any way.  I just really love that dress!


  1. Nasze reprezentantki wyglądały cudownie w tych sukienkach!:)

  2. Or someone in Poland could order it for you and then send it to America along with a returning family member who could then mail it to you within the U.S. Shipping within Poland is free!

  3. Good idea, Olivia. I am talking to a family member about this now, actually. They might have a friend coming to the USA for a business trip in the next month. :)


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