
20 January 2011

Winter on the Prairie

I decided, while baby was asleep in the carseat today after a fun playdate, to take a few pictures of the American Prairie during wintertime.  I'm not a photo genius and I don't have an artist's eye either.  I also only own a, gasp, digital point-and-shoot.  But I still love wintertime.

I found out this is wild cucumber...


Paper birch...

Prairie Wildflowers...


It's cold and flat out here...

Steak Tartar Sandwich...

Red Potatoes Boiled and with Butter and fresh dill...

Russian pickled tomatoes...

Hope you enjoyed!  And if you can come up with any ideas of what I can do, foodwise, with the Russian pickled tomatoes, I would love to hear it!  By the way, I think that's an Oak leave in that jar!  Very neat...

If you liked this post, check out What a Winter Wonderland.


  1. I'm like you: not a photographer just point and shoot at what I think it pretty. I think you got some beautiful shots of winter and I absolutely love that you included some of your winter meals in the shots. That's so true that the food we eat this time of year is a big part of winter!

  2. Stopping by from Mama Kat's. Love the photos of the food--good idea to use that as part of winter.

  3. What's you recipe for photo no 11?
    Those potatoes look DELICIOUS!!!

  4. Those are just red potatoes, boiled with skin on. Then, lots of Butter! And Dill... Yummmm... Thank you!

  5. I made those potaotes yesterday and they were awesome! Instead of dill I added chives... it was very good!

  6. So glad to hear! And it's so simple to make, yet so delicious and gorgeous. I love chives as well!


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