Here's how it works...
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Seven More Things About Me:
1. I love going to the local farm and picking my own vegetables whenever possible. I love bringing the kids with me so that they learn where food comes from.
2. I have bad arthritis in my hands and wrists (well, that's not a fun fact)
3. I love just getting in the car and driving and getting lost. Grid pattern roads make me really irritated. You can't get nice and lost on them.
4. I got married on a mountain to my (man) Best Friend before God, family and friends
5. I love yoga but I never have time for it
6. My (woman) best friend used to live in the apartment I lived in as a child. She and I have been friends for a decade now and I feel blessed to be a part of her and her child's life.
7. I will eat almost anything twice. Once, to see if I like it. Twice, to see if maybe the first time I didn't like was because it was cooked wrong. Except for brains and spinal column. It's not being picky, though, I wish I could try that as well but after the Mad Cow Disease scare years ago, I just don't feel safe doing it, until I knew the cow, sheep, etc. for years prior. So, that will never happen.
Now for the 10 blogs that I have recently came across that I would like to give this award to:
1. The Corkboard (This blog gives a great glimpse at what international adoption is really like, by a woman who was adopted from overseas, and then felt called to do so herself)
2. An American Economist in Gdansk
3. Bieganski the Blog
4. Honest Mum A Greek/Cypriat Mum in England, the writer of Love Letter to London, the inspiration to my blog post A Love Letter to My Hometown Wroclaw
5. The TRUTH About Motherhood I love how honest this Mama is, however, warning, she is honest! lol Her Throat Punch Thursdays posts at first shocked me too much to read but once I did, I realized the people she was talking about (one example: A mother who shook her baby to death), well, yeah...
6. Kuchenne Bajki i Nie Tilko (Kitchen, Fairytales, and more...) She hasn't not been feeling well so has not been able to blog like she enjoys to but I thought perhaps sending her some blogger love would make her feel better, at least in spirit
7. My Search for Real Poland
8. Amy the Wicked is a blogger in Poland who just started but is really fun to talk to
9. Grafted Families
10. Nemi Habibi (Another one Google translate is worth using to see her delicious recipes)
11. I have to mention also the blog My Stolen Recipes
I know, it said to list 10. Well, it was very difficult to limit to 10, I wanted to list over 50! I hope you go explore these bloggers, and others and stay warm during these cold winter days. Remember, spring is coming.
Also, check out my List of Other Sites I Love About Poland...
Na razie!
I have since recieved the award from Anulia's Kitchen as well! Thank you so much (Dzienkujem bardzo)!
Also, check out my List of Other Sites I Love About Poland...
Na razie!
I have since recieved the award from Anulia's Kitchen as well! Thank you so much (Dzienkujem bardzo)!
Thank you for tagging! I'll do the meme tomorrow (due to my "no-double-posting-in-one-day" policy ;D). I feel flattered :)