
15 August 2011

Bean and Pickle Salad

Summer is ending but for now, the weather is still warm enough for cool salads and side dishes.  I decided to create a bean salad based on the Polish cuisine.

Did the family eat it?  My older daughter ate only a little because she had already eaten a bit beforehand.  The toddler gobbled it up.  My picky American husband enjoyed it, as he does just about all my salads.  And, of course, I loved it!  My father, however, wasn't in the mood for this, preferring instead to eat the baked beans I also made.  I definitely plan to make this again and include it in my party menus.


1 can Cannellini Beans, drained
2-3 Polish Dill Pickles, diced
2-3 small ripe Tomatoes, diced
1/2 Onion, diced
1/2 Leek, washed and chopped
1 tablespoon Vinegar
2 tablespoons Olive Oil

Any of the following:
Marjoram, to taste
Dill, to taste
Curly Parsley, to taste

Salt and Pepper

Mix.  Allow to sit covered in refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.  Eat.



If your stomach is sensitive to onions and leeks, caramelize them in a tablespoon of oil beforehand as I have done.

Also, real Polish dill pickles are not this strange day-glo color as in the picture.  My husband just decided to buy regular pickles from the local grocery store, which always contain yellow food dye.


  1. I am so about pickles when it gets hot. My husband laughs at me thinking they are gross and I can eat entire jar with juice. Then I look pregnant and feel like in labor for few days but it is totally worth it. Just made pickle soup the other day, glad to have another pickle added recipe.

  2. Yum, Polish salads are the best.This looks absolutely delish and I am going to try this recipe out tomorrow.


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