
17 August 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Farewell to Summer

It's the middle of August.  In Maryland, I would have had another month until it was time to say farewell to Summer.  But then, I also didn't have children in school yet.

So, it's time to say farewell to Summer.

This week, geese have begun gathering in large flocks and flying overheard.

Black birds have begun gathering in wild flower fields, eating seeds, flapping wings together in a black mass and moving over a few feet to gorge themselves on more seeds, gathering strength for winter.

The squirrels have been ravaging our bird feeder this week.

A skunk has begun digging a hole against the side of my house and using another area as his or her toilet.

School is about to begin and with it, a new harried schedule.  And another missed chance at seeing my Babcia this year.

So, farewell Summer and all the wonders you bring.

A pregnant spider on our little "pond"...

Fossil hunting on the beach...

Swimming into the lake to grab plants for the simple joy (we released them back into the lake before going home)...

Wild flowers...

Snakes (Garter snakes are not poisonous and are an important part of the ecosystem)...

And dirty bare feet...

What will you miss with Summer's departure?


  1. Just picked up my boy from camp, and he starts school next week.
    Where we are, the end of summer means the beginning of great weather...and the beginning of clamming season...
    Too bad you didn't see your Babcia this year, hopefully she follows your blog though.
    Best Regards

  2. School already? here in Va we still have a couple of weeks. I love fall and will be happy for some cooler days.

  3. Won't miss a single thing. We're suffering through the worst summer ever this year with little or NO ac, because of the whole saving power thingy thanks to Fukushima.

    I'm new to your blog, just found it yesterday and LOVE it! :-)
    I'm also a first generation Pole abroad (born in Poland, raised in Sweden and South Africa and now living in Japan) but unfortunately, I blog in Polish. Well, I do have another blog in English, but it's on summer break right now ;-)

    Have a great day!


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