
26 April 2012

Movies On TV For Polish Americans

I found some movies playing on TV right now that some of you might be interested in.

Sophie's Choice

On Showtime, Meryl Streep stars in "Sophie's Choice", one of the most heart wrenching books I've ever read which was turned into film. 

Meryl Streep does an amazing job in this film.  I didn't recognize her for half of the movie, her accent is so flawless.  She sounded exactly like my mother and all the other Polish women I've ever known.  When I realized it was her, I was so shocked, I thought "No, she must have Polish blood!  Look at those cheekbones and her eyes."

"Sophie's Choice" is one of those movies that captures something that is rarely spoken about, something subtle.  Something that makes no sense to onlookers many times.  Something that explains many nuances of Poles today, something dark.  The atrocities of WWII and Nazi hatred toward Poles, and then the trials of the survivors and immigrants.

It's subtle, delicate, underlying.  And then, it comes out, bold and clarifying, in front of you until you weep for Sophie so deeply, and for all the other mothers out there in our world who ever had to carry such a burden like what she carries.

I highly recommend the film.

Chopin Films

On Ovation channel, "The Art of Chopin" played a few days ago and I believe it will be airing again soon.  Chopin is Poland's beloved composer.

On Netflix, you will also find a few films if you search "Chopin", including "Chopin: Desire For Love", which stars Poland's own handsome star, Piotr Adamczyk, who also stared in "Karol: A Man Who Became Pope" and "Karol: The Pope, The Man".

You can check out information about "Chopin: Desire For Love" on the film's site, and check out photos of Adamczyk in costume which show how well he fit the handsome Chopin's character, who was a bit of a ladies man.  Considering the very Polish custom of kissing ladies hands when they meet or see a woman, I'm sure this played a part in his earning the title of a "ladies man".

More Films on Netflix

I found other films as well on Netflix while searching the word "Poland", including a horror film (I can't handle horror films) and "Far From Poland".

I plan on watching a film today while the children are napping, since my older daughter is home sick with possibly Fifth Disease.

Na razie...

Related Posts:

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Word(y) Wednesday:  Piękny Jaś (A Polish American Garden, Post 1)

Polish Film:  The Mill and the Cross

Polack, The Film:  Review & Interview

The Golden Duck of Warsaw and Brewster's Millions


  1. I love Meryl Streep! I will look for that movie or maybe first I should read a book, I'm almost done with what I've been reading and need to find something new. This book sounds like something I might enjoy!
    thank you for sharing, Kasia!

  2. Ewa (MomPhotographer), yes the book is even more amazing. I'd love to hear what you think of Meryl Streep's performance. My jaw dropped, to me she was so believable and good.


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