
25 April 2012

Word(y) Wednesday: Piękny Jaś

I started a new garden at our Illinois house.  In the bean patch, Polish Piękny Jaś is starting to grow next to the native Purple Pole Beans a friend gave me (you can see the taller purple stem in the background of this photo).  It's a Polish American garden.

This is one of about 6 Piękny Jaś beans I planted with the children.  We just took some beans I bought and put them in dirt or water beads.  And waited.

What do you have growing in your garden?

Watch for the next few Wordless (Wordy) Wednesday posts to see what else we are growing and how you can grow it as well.

Spring is Here!

It's time to start our gardens! Dom itp has Buy $30 of seeds and get free shipping until May 2, 2012. Some seeds they offer are sunflowers, pickling cucumbers, Polish wild strawberries, several different flowers, parsley roots (I highly recommend trying this in some of your recipes), and many other varieties.  Their prices are comparable to going to your local chain or gardening store.  It's like having a piece of Poland in your backyard.

Na razie...

Disclaimer: The links and banner for Dom itp are part of an affiliate program. While the company does not pay for me to post their links and banner, I do receive a portion of all sales made using the links and banner in compensation. If you do purchase something from them this way, I sincerely thank you.


  1. that's a great shot. we haven't planted anything but never have good luck in our yard anyway!

  2. Awesome that you are planting a garden in your new house. Thats an exciting thing to photograph!:)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. They must have withdrawn the free shipping offer early. Not working now. Charge of $9.97 on $33 worth of seeds. There was a coupon code too for the same offer 'SPRINGSEEDS' and that also is not working. W. Legutko has a reputation for good seeds w/excellent germination rates. (Plus he looks like my late tatuś)



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