About Me

I came as a child from Poland, after a year in Austria while waiting for our US citizenships, and grew up in America on the East Coast. 

I fell in love with an American (a fellow Catholic) when I was still in High School, finished college, and married him.  He is affectionately called my "dirty hippy" or my "Miscu" (teddy bear).  We have two beautiful, extremely intelligent children together who I am lucky to stay home with.  Recently, we moved to the Midwest and live on the American Prairie outside Chicagoland, surrounded by wildflowers, coyote, skunks and Beefalo farms.

We love camping, hiking, history and travelling.  I practice and enjoy learning foreign languages (I speak English, Poland and a small amount of French, but am starting to work on relearning German).  I love classical music and country music.  And I LOVE to read!

Cooking is a passion in our house which I am passing on to my children.  We also support local businesses and believe that each of us makes an impact on our world. 

I delivered using natural childbirth methods and breastfed both my babies, babywear, use cloth diapers, use "green" products, practice natural home remedies, live frugally, and teach my children to respect our world and appreciate Nature.  My children and I are often out on trips to local farms to teach them about where our food comes from, museums so that they can also appreciate history and arts, the library to learn to love reading, on nature walks, and other places. 

I am also attempting to teach them Polish while not having much opportunity to expose them to other Polish American children.  I want my children to grow up knowing everything my family did to give them the life they have, including what it is to be immigrants, the foods and traditions of our family, our travels, etc.

Also, if you have a letter or other literature you would like translated from Polish to English, feel free to contact me at polprairiemama at aol dot com.  While I am not yet a certified translator, I am able to do this as a side project.

And, of course, if you are interested in doing a review or sponsorship or advertise on my blog, feel free to contact me.  If I feel your product meshs well with my readership, I'd like to talk to you more about it.

My Articles Have Been Featured!

Helping Another Immigrant Family - Featured on BlogHer

A Love Letter to Wrocław - Featured on Enjoy Wroclaw

Birthdays at Keylime Cove - Featured on The Chicago Moms

And others...

Check out my about.me profile!


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