23 March 2012

Poland on Google Street View

I have been waiting for this for some time now-Poland on Google Street View.  Google started photographing all over several major cities in Poland for the past few months to have the Street View feature available on Google Maps in time for the Euro 2012.

Check out Maps.Google.pl

Also, Google Mapa Polska

And an article on thenews.pl about Poland on Google Street View

Try typing in an address in one of the four cities featured:  Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan and Wroclaw.  Let me know what you think!

Happy "walking"!  I plan on "walking" around Wroclaw first with the children, retracing our last trip there and checking out other areas I've gone that the children have not yet had a chance to see.  Hopefully, this will become yet another tool for me to inspire my kids to feel like Poland is also their home.

Na razie...

Edit:  It looks as though you can walk around Lodz as well.

Disclaimer:  I am not compensated to share this information, I just found it interesting and worth sharing with you

Related Posts:

Teaching Children About Poland (an interactive website from the government of Poland)

A History Book About Poland, pre World War I

My Older Daughter's First Trip to Poland

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