Rzeżucha (Garden Cress) one day old indoors...
The same Rzeżucha three days old...
Another planting of Rzeżucha over a week old planted outdoors...
Baby Beets...
Baby carrots...
A garden friend hiding from falling raindrops...
Radishes planted around the pumpkin patch to keep out uninvited bugs naturally...
Sweet Peas...
Brussel Sprouts...
(Oops, turns out these were planted next to the Brussel Sprouts, which never came up. These are another variety of pea)
(Oops, turns out these were planted next to the Brussel Sprouts, which never came up. These are another variety of pea)
Maki (Poppies) to bring bees and other pollinators to the garden...
Baby cabbage (Kapusta) I need to transplant...
Our Piękny Jas (5 growing total in this bed alone)...
The little red bird we rescued a few days ago after it was hit by a car while flying. After a few hours of rest, he flew to his tree where his mate greeted him and they returned to their nest together...
Our home made Worm Farm in the shed...
We also planted other plants, such as Alpine Violets, wild Polish strawberries, curly parsley, Polish Dill, red and white carnations, and several other flowers and fruits and vegetables. We are waiting one more week to plant cucumbers, heirloom and Malinkowy Tomatoes, and a few others.
What are you growing?
Watch for the next few Wordless (Wordy) Wednesday posts to see what else we are growing and how you can grow it as well.
The majority of my seeds come from Dom itp. Some seeds they offer are sunflowers, pickling cucumbers, Polish wild strawberries, several different flowers, parsley roots (I highly recommend trying this in some of your recipes), and many other varieties. Their prices are comparable to going to your local chain or gardening store. It's like having a piece of Poland in your backyard.
Na razie...
Disclaimer: The links and banner for Dom itp are part of an affiliate program. While the company does not pay for me to post their links and banner, I do receive a portion of all sales made using the links and banner in compensation. If you do purchase something from them this way, I sincerely thank you.
Your garden is growing so beautifully! I need to get out in my own.
Marta, when you do, write a post so I can see it :)
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