21 February 2011

Five Things That Make Me Feel Good

I had a miserable week last week.  Then, on Friday I was feeling depressed and irritable for no reason.  And as yesterday was drawing to a close, I realized I was going to have a sinus infection and Mastitis.  Great.  As Sunday progressed, I realized I was dealing with that and possibly also an infected wisdom tooth (which needs to be pulled but it's taking forever to get in with the orthosurgeon!) or ear infection. 

So, while dealing with another mountain of laundry and craving red berries (where are you, Spring?!), Honest Mum tagged me.  It all started with Scottish Mum's post:

“I have seen lots of posts about what we struggle with, or things that we like to do, and I’d like to find out a bit more information about all of you. This is my way of doing it. I am looking forward to visiting some of you on the blog hop.”

What you cannot choose.  The Rules are Simple

"We all know that blogging/facebook/twitter is in our arena of what we like to do, so I am going to rule them out as one of the 5 that you can post about. They really are not very girly. Likewise, phones, computers, ipads are all out of the running. I am challenging myself to this, as I am really not a girly girly type of person, and I want to find that within myself. It’s not all about power suits, filofaxes, ipads and designer phones.

If you want to pass this along, pick bloggers that you want to find out more about, and challenge them to write up their 5 secret passions that make them feel good. The idea is to lift our spirits this week. The fact that there is a linky added, just makes it all the more worthwhile in doing."

So, here are my Top Five, in no particular order:

1.  Some might find this one strange but it's really a sensation.  You know that feeling when it is cold outside and your stomach is empty, you are so hungry, and you drink some hot tea and it just makes your stomach and then the rest of you warm up and you feel so cozy and content?  And then, you eat some really good bread with a thick layer of real butter and some of your favorite jelly?  That always makes me feel good...

2.  Driving down a winding country road, preferably in the mountains.  Driving on a straight road is so boring and uneventful and ugly prefab generic houses (of which there are a LOT of) just look even more ugly and generic on them.  I think it's that feeling of discovering something old that is still there years after the people who made it passed away, that makes me smile.  I love older architecture, history, etc.  I think that's why I love to travel so much.

3.  Country and classical music.  Classical music moves me, I can seriously feel the emotion that the composer and musicians intended for the piece.  I don't really know the terms of it, but I love the feelings of it.  I wish it was in more movies, and that it was used for the right scenes.  Country music is just so genuine.  There is no "I'm hotter than you, have a better car/house/ho-bag-bay-mama & to me Sex and Money are the only things that matter" garbage mentality that so much music has now.

4.  My family.  My husband is my best friend and is, to me, a true gentleman, holding open doors, helping elderly people, etc.  He is also not a "Sissy Boy", he hates talking about emotions, will never ever wear the color pink, and can build amazing turrets, bookcases, etc. with his hands.  Looking at his blue eyes across the room still makes my stomach flip.  My kids have the same colored eyes and they are truly the most important people in my life.  I can't start the day without hugs from them and the older one telling me "Good morning, Mamo" and the little one babbling trying to say it as well.  My father is the most amazing man in the world.  My mother and sibling as well hold a special place in my heart, even if they are not a part of my life (no, I will not discuss it further).  My cousins, Cioci, Wujkow, Babcia, etc. are all so important to me in my life.  I know I am terrible at showing it and probably come across as a babbling, bossy idiot to them but I love them deeply.  If I didn't have my family, I would have nothing.  There is no greater purpose in my life than to have them and try my best to keep them close, happy, healthy, and safe.

5.  Traditions.  I can't explain it very eloquently.  One day, I will pass away.  We all will.  And most of us will be forgotten pretty quickly.  At the very least, I want to be able to pass down traditions to my children, in the desperate hope that they will pass them down through the next generations to come.  So that I am not forgotten in some way.  And so that my parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents, etc. are somehow not forgotten either.  I am in the beginning of writing a personal book for my children about my family, our history, traditions, etc.

So, I guess this means I am an extremely sentimental woman who loves food and travel. 

Now, to list some bloggers I am interested in learning more about:

1.  Ewa Samples
2.  Kasia
3.  Anula's Kitchen
4.  Amy the Wicked
5.  Helen Clyde

There are several more I am interested in but since I don't feel well, I will leave it at Five bloggers.

Na razie!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Kasia said...

:D Not smiling about you feeling not good :/, only about the heartwarming post here ;) See just because of you I finally re-installed this big and heavy Chrome browser, my poor old computer is coughing and sweating from the heavy load, so I could comment here (since it STILL does not work with Firefox :p)

Bardzo dobry pomysł, chyba mogę znowu przetłumaczyć zabawę na Polski? :) Chociaż nie wiem czy ktoś zechce wziąć udział, bo niby zabawa Amerykańska, w razie czego to i owo zmienię :o)

Please take care and rest a lot, and better not visit the dentist if you cannot breathe well enough, and have a runny nose or coughing or anything, this would be suicidal :( Another thing I know is good, try to skip dairy for a few days, and if, better prefer health friendly cultured products like yogurt or kefir. And drink more fruit juices and spiced teas, hot fruit juice heated with cinnamon stalks and a few peppercorns also helps a lot (vitamins+clearing of the sinuses+antibacterial properties from the spices)

Serdecznie pozdrawiam i bardzo dziękuję za zaproszenie :)

Anonymous said...

hi, found you via Scottish Mum and came to read your 5 things. great post. Love 'traditions' perfect.

Anonymous said...

Uh-huh, I hope you're better now <3 *hugs*
Thnaks for tagging me!

I LOVE that feeling of wamrth after getting back from freezing outside, when you're STARVING and and you're so cold, and you sit down by the table and drink hot tea and eat a fresh, tasty bread that your mother prepared for you while you were out... it's almost worth getting freezing cold outside to get back inside to that feeling ;)

I love classical music too. When I hear it, I always close my eyes and images just pop in front of me; images inspired by the music. For example, when I hear the "In the Hall of the Mountain King", I always imagine the storm on the sea; it's steady at the beginning, moving faster and faster, ranging with natural forces at the end.
I don't listen to country that much, but not long ago I had a real obsession about Johnny Cash. It started with the movie "Walk the line" and then progressed very quickly. I love him <3

I think you desire to pass on the traditions to your children is very healthy and natural. By design, man is supposed to die and it's nothing surprising that we want to leave something behind, something that will last when we are no more. For me it's more like "Exegi monumentum aere perennius" - I want to make an impression upon future generations by leaving them my words, my thoughts and ideas enclosed in the books. I may not be remembered as long as Horace, but what is once written, rests forever. Your way is to pass on the traditions. It's actually quite amazing, when you think of it.

"If I didn't have my family, I would have nothing."
This is so. True. For me, at least, but I think everyone with a heart thinks alike.

Very moving post, all in all.

Unknown said...

Thank you and thanks for stopping by! Can't wait to read yours :)