
22 November 2011

A Lesson in Using Dried Mushrooms

I shared this picture yesterday on Twitter and Facebook.

Isn't it beautiful? 

Yesterday, I was making Busia's Sauerkraut for Thanksgiving and decided to add two pieces of dried mushrooms to the dish.  Mushrooms picked wild on the mountainsides of Poland.

To properly use dried mushrooms, always soak in very warm water for at least 15 minutes.  Then, if you plan to use the water from soaking the mushrooms as I do, be sure to drain the water slowly, carefully, to prevent any sediment from getting into your food.

What sediment, you might ask?  I'd found pine needles, bark, grass, fur from who knows what animal, and often times the plant above.  It's not a big deal but definitely not something you need in your food.

By the way, I plan on putting the tiny plant above in a small mason jar with some dirt and spritz it with water to make a terrarium.  Eventually, if it works out, I will be getting a piece of a fern my father got as a gift that came from Poland as well.  It would be like Poland in a jar.

Na razie...

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Busia's Mushrooms (Thanksgiving)

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