"Jedziemy na wycieczkę,
bierzemy misia w teczkę.
A misiu - jak to misiu,
do teczki zrobił si-siu.
A teczka była chora,
więc poszła do doktora.
A doktor był pijany,
przykleił się do ściany.
A ściana była mokra,
przykleił się do okna.
A okno było duże,
wyleciał na podwórze.
Znalazły go tam dzieci,
wrzuciły go do śmieci.
A w śmieciach były szczury,
wygryzły mu pazury.
I doktor wreszcie wrócił,
na podłogę się rzucił.
A teczka boląc noga,
poszła do psychologa.
A doktor myśląc może,
chorobę przyniósł w worze.
A teczka nic nie wiedząc,
z doktorem siedząc...
Misiek strasznie pierdzi,
i mówię że to śmierdzi.
Więc przynieś butlę z tlenem,
wieczorem i też ranem.
My brother and I would giggle everytime.
Translation without rhyming:
"We’re going on a tour (trip),
We’re taking Teddy Bear in the suitcase/basket
But Teddy Bear like a Teddy Bear,
In the Suitcase/basket made pee-pee (cue children’s crazy giggling)
The Suitcase/Basket was sick,
So it was taken to the doctor.
The Doctor was drunk,
Glued her (the suitcase/basket) to the wall. (Again, the giggling)
But the wall was wet,
So he (that crazy drunk Doctor) glued her (the suitcase/basket) to the window.
But the window was big,
So he (drunk Doctor) threw her (the suitcase/basket) outdoors/into the yard.
She (the suitcase/basket) was found by children,
Returned her (the poor peed on and sick suitcase/basket) to the trash.
And in the trashcan were rats,
They bit his (the suitcase/basket is apparently a boy now, I don’t know, just keep reading) claws.
And the Doctor finally returned,
On the floor he threw her (the suitcase/basket is back to being feminine now).
The suitcase/basket’s foot hurt,
So she (the suitcase/basket) went to a psychologist.
The doctor thought that maybe,
The sickness he carried in a cloth sack (I’m lost at this point).
But the suitcase/basket knowing nothing,
Is sitting with the Doctor….
The Teddy Bear terribly farts,
And says that this stinks.
So bring a bottle of Oxygen,
For the evening and also morning."
I hope you enjoyed that. Na razie...

That is much cuter than the Kosi kosu Lapci that I remember.
Ah sweet poem. My Dad use to tell me fairy tales in Italian. I loved it. My favourite was Capucetto Roso which was Little Red Riding Hood. Awww, the wonderful memories :)
hahaha :)
nie pamiętałam całości! Dziękuję za przypomnienie!!!
That's so funny! My grandfather's first language was German. He used to tell us nursery rhymes that were SO fun to say in German... but were utter nonsense in English.
The cat walks on snow
The snow melts away
The cat walk on dirt
Seriously? This is a poem? ha ha!
I love that you know children's songs in Polish. That's so cool!
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