
29 January 2011

Rubbed Beets or Buraczki Tarte

I made Barszcz Czerwony the other day, which was amazing by the way.  But I don't like to eat it with vegetables, I prefer to enjoy it clear, or "Czysty", as traditional Barszcz Czerwony is enjoyed.

But what to do with all those fantastic, and already seasoned, vegetables at the bottom of the pot?

Let me first explain something about my blog.  I am not a Chef.  I am a Mama.  I have x amount of money, food, and time to feed my family.  Everything needs to have more than one purpose. 

That being said, I turned the vegetables into Buraczki Tarte, or Rubbed Beets.  This is perfect to top Polish Meatballs, Kotlety Schabowe, or a myriad of other Polish meat dishes, in place of gravy, ketchup, or other toppings the typical American diet would include (not that there's anything wrong with that, I eat that way as well).  It's healthier, packed full of nutrients, and delicious.

I scooped out all the vegetables with a slotted spoon into a sieve above a bowl to strain out the maximum amount of soup broth, being sure to take out the bay leaves from the vegetables.

The vegetables were put into a food processor and I pulsed the buttons until it was the desired texture.

In a (gasp) reused jar which I had sanitized, I put the Buraczki Tarte, tightened the lid, and placed it in my refrigerator.  I got 3 large jars worth, which saved me about $10-14 total.  I hope this inspires you to cook with more than one purpose in mind, saving you time and money, and feeding your family with more nutritional homemade food. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just wanted to let you know I am passing on the Stylish Blogger Award to you. I love following your blog and seeing all the interesting food and tidbits you share.
    Dawn at


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