08 June 2011

My Older Daughter's First Trip to Poland, Wordless Wednesday

The picture with the first word my older daughter ever read besides her name...

The picture she points to, beaming with pride when people ask if we are Polish, "Yes, my Mommy is!  See?  I'm Polish, TOO!"...

The picture a friend bought in a yard sale for 50 cents many years ago, thinking of me, which was a bit torn and which my now husband framed in a cheap IKEA frame and hung on our wall...

The picture which which dominates and dictates our house and decor...

The picture she would point to when people would ask where she was getting ready to go, "Where my Mommy was born!  POLAND!  See?  P-O-L-A-N-D!  Poland! She's from (looks at me quickly) Wroclaw (with an adorable attempt to roll her "R" and her "V" sounds coming out as "F"'s.)."...

Where we were about to fly to, alone together, to bury my Dziadek...

The pictures on each side represent various "legends" from Poland, the people dressed in traditional regional costume, the card from my cousin which originally held a Wigilia wafer so that we could break it together and be closer to them in spirit during Christmas...

To Be Continued...

Related Articles:  My Older Daughter's First Trip to Poland, The Planning


Rachel said...

Such a special thing for kids to discover their ancestral homeland. How wonderful that you teach them so much about it.

Verena said...

That is so sweet! Thanks so much for linking up and leaving a nice comment!!! My mom was born in Breslau. I think it´s Wroclav where you came from. Right?
I´m a new follower.

Have a happy WW!


Unknown said...

My step-grandfather was from Poland, fought in the Polish army in WW1. I would love to visit his hometown one of these years.

Happy WW!

Katja said...

Thanks for linking up at my post yesterday. Love that picture of your country. My ancestors (some of them) came from around Wroclav - my mom was born there (Verena it is Breslau) and my best friend moved there a year ago. I am a new follower of your blog! Greetings from Germany, Katja